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Joel haslam portrait


Stories have been at the centre of my creative life for close to 40 years.


I'm a multi-award-winning broadcaster, producer, presenter, writer, videographer and editor.


Most, though, call me a "storyteller."


For decades, I told stories on television.  


I loved my job and the extraordinary people who opened their homes and hearts, so I could focus my lens on their creative, inspired and personal worlds.


Through them, and with them, I learned the power of story.  


A story connects us, compels us to think and feel and grow and change.


It shines light in the darkest corners, offering a bridge of hope in times of despair.


Perhaps most importantly, a story awakens our humanity, reminding us that we all belong to one another.


Joel Haslam Creative is the next chapter of my story. I recently left broadcasting in search of new and exciting storytelling adventures.


I'm happy to say I'm finding them, or perhaps they're finding me, around every corner.  


If you think I could help you tell your story, I'd love to connect. 

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"Joel brings his heart and soul to every story he tells. There's always something to learn from a Joel Haslam story about how we can live more fully, how we can share our gifts in the world."


"A master of his craft, championing the stories of everyday people doing extraordinary and inspiring things."

"He's one of the very best in the business. His stories simply stand out."



Joel Haslam with camera headshot B&W
Joel Haslam Headshot

Thank you to my wonderful colleagues at CTV Ottawa in Canada's capital for producing this beautiful story to honour my retirement from daily television.

Headshot photos: Michelle Valberg

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